Benanti Vini

Benanti Vini

Descendants from the Benanti family in Bologna took the name Benanti when, in 1734, Vittorio Amedeo II d'Aosta, king of Sardinia, sent a part of the family to flourish in Sicily, making them earls. Toward the end of the 19th century, Giuseppe Benanti, grandfather to the present Giuseppe, started, in a new farm under the Etna, the production of Etna wines. In 1988, Giuseppe Benanti started anew his family's antique passion, giving birth to an analysis of the selection for Etna territories, as well as the search for particular clones through which to reproduce the old fragrances with the help of the most modern wine-making techniques. From this analysis, which lasted three years, comes the production of wines with a inique taste, capable of recreating old flavours and to keep them unspoiled by time

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  • Benanti Etna Doc 2018


    Etna Rosso DOC Benanti da Vitigno:Nerello Mascalese, che nella zona Etnea è il vitigno autoctono principale, Etna Rosso Benanti dal colore rosso rubino. odore etereo, intenso,.

  • Benanti Etna DOC 2019 White


    Etna Bianco Benanti, da uve Carricante vitigno autoctono che si coltiva esclusivamente sull'Etna, Etna Bianco Benanti è un vino dal sapore secco con piacevole acidità e.