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Palari Azienda Agr.
The new Palari farm, settled in the beautiful Villa Geraci dating back to the Sicilian 1700s, has taken anew the production of this antique and noble wine with the aim of finding back that quality which made Faro wine worldfamous. Our vines extend themselves in the Palari district in S. Stefano Briga di Messina, planted with autoctonous grapes, whose names are just as old as evocatively fascinating: nerello, nocera, cappuccio tignolino, core 'e palumba, acitana, galatena and many others. All these grapes enter in the production process of appelation-contrôlée Faro wine
Palari Faro Doc 2016
€39.50Faro Palari da uve autoctone quali nerello, cappuccio, nocera , acitana, tignolino, galatena, calabrese, un vino dal colore rosso rubino con riflessi granati tendente con tempo.
Palari Rosso del soprano Terre Siciliane IGT 2017
€21.30Rosso del Soprano un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso, profumo lungo e penetrante, concentrati frutti di bosco e confettura ,sapore asciuto ed avvolgente con retrogusto di.