Baglio del Cristo

Baglio del Cristo

In this section we present the wines of Baglio del Cristo, Limited production trend vintage, harvest by hand only after the full maturation, individual vinification of each vineyard, compared to an area unique and valuable. These are just some of the choices of the Baglio del Cristo di Campobello, in a philosophy that favors, from the beginning, the quality. Thanks to the tenacity of women and men, their arms, their head, their heart, their work, day after day, all year round. The reality of things hoped for, the conviction of things you will already have roots. In Baglio del Cristo di Campobello: thirty hectares of vineyards in Sicily Agrigento, single body of ten micro-areas, merged property of fifty acres in Campobello di Licata. Deep soil, mixed limestone and gypsum, the hilly, between 230 and 270 meters above sea level and 8,000 meters from the coast. Mostly 5,000 plants per hectare from all primitive patriarchal own mother earth, all harvested by hand, in small boxes.

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