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Duca di Castelmonte Pellegrino
All over Sicily images and emotions tell the stories of the hundreds of races which have lived there. The vine has grown with them since the dawn of time shaping the landscape of the island. "Therefore, wine has always been a fundamental component of Mediterranean civilizations" (V. Manfredi), an essential part of the diet, but, it plays a leading role in myths, in religious and social rights, in economy and commerce.
Pellegrino and Duca di Castelmonte wines represent all the main features of this land, the synthesis of places, the memory and traditions of great civilizations, will help you to understand the very soul of Sicily.
To put together production and safeguard the environment is necessary to guarantee future generations the right to live on a rich and fertile land. Pellegrino respects nature and this respect is fundamental in the company's philosophy. The results are evident: many of the best vineyards are inside nature reserves and are perfectly integrated in the ecosystem. Production in the winery is also subject to rigid control which is guaranteed by the certification companies which certify conformity to the ISO 14001 norms.
Gorghi Tondi, the Stagnone, the Pantelleria reserve are corners of a wordly paradise where nature helps us to pick "the nectar of the Gods".
Following the thousand year old tradition of the vine in Sicily Pellegrino has always put land first: the family farms are witness to this. They stretch for more than 300 ha. (Gazzerotta, Kelbi, Ramisella, Rinazzo, San Nicola, "Gorghi Tondi"), and are in the best areas of western Sicily, which have many kinds of soil, microclimates, and types of vine from which our best wines come. Investments have been put into these farms for replanting with clones of foreign and local grapes.
The historical cellars of Carlo Pellegrino &C. Spa stand right in the town centre of Marsala and cover an area of 300,000 square meters with a capacity of about 200,000 hl, of which 40,000 hl in oak. A modern bottling line was installed in 1990. Its average productive capacity is 10,500 bottles per hour, which makes the cellars technologically up to date, though keeping their old charm which has persisted since 1880.
The quality system of our winery in Marsala in Via del Fante already certified by the regulation Uni En Iso 14001 13/09/99 and has recently been revised and recertified according to the regulation UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 as certified by the CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY n. 04579-99-AQ-CIA-SINCERT, issued by DET NORSKE VERITAS ITALIA SRL.
The regulation UNI EN ISO 9001/00 contains a series of requisites which a company quality system must possess, which carries out activities of fabrication, installation and assistance with the aim of guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
The quality system comprises the organising structure, procedures, processes and resources necessary to effect quality management. Basically it is a management instrument that respects criteria and requisites of quality foreseen by the regulation which, in short, obliges the company to things properly, transparently and also to be able to prove this. A company's quality system is therefore the company itself and the ISO 9000 regulations are nothing else but a guide for its organisation in all sectors, from the contract with the customer phase to after sales assistance.
Finimondo Pellegrino lt.0.75
€11.90FINIMONDO PELLEGRINO, Rosso Sicilia Doc Nero d'avola, Deciso, morbido e suadente, di colore rosso profondo, avvolge e ammalia in un abbraccio di profumi fruttati e floreali.
Gibelè Zibibbo Pellegrino lt.0.75
€11.90GIBELÈ PELLEGRINO, Da uva zibibbo nasce Gibelè, un bianco secco e fresco, con intensi profumi di mela verde, rosa bianca ed erbe aromatiche.
Zibibbo di Sicilia Duca di Castelmonte Pellegrino lt. 0,50
€7.90Elegante vino dolce da uva zibibbo coltivata nel territorio trapanese dal profumo fruttato e oreale.
Passito di Pantelleria Duca di Castelmonte Pellegrino lt.0,50
€11.90Da uve zibibbo, un passito di Pantelleria caldo e persistente, ottimo in abbinamento a crostate di frutta e formaggi a pasta dura.