Gulfi Wines

Gulfi Wines

Grapevines have been grown in the land we work for over 2000 years We did not invent anything that did not already exist. Nothing that was not being produced since at least 2000 years. We only had to adapt our forefathers’ industriousness and ancestors’ culture to our times. We have received land in custody that we have to look after because it is our future and our children’s future. We need to pass on our parents’ teaching to our children. The land is our capital that has been lent to us and that we must not wear it away or damage it or, even worse, destroy it – we must improve it. We can, and must, only enjoy its fruits wisely and respectfully. Probably, in a hundred years’ time our wines will continue to represent the true expression of our land, as they do today and as they have always done. Together with a land, a respectable civilisation must have a culture that identifies and unites it in time and through time. The single piece of a mosaic is nothing on its own and only in the correct place in the mosaic, together with other pieces, that it can become a work of art that lasts and appreciates over time. Our wines are the true expression of the land from which they originate. No attempt is made at making them either the producer’s or the oenologist’s wines. Man’s search for harmony and balance in the vineyard and in the cellar requires a profound knowledge of the environment in which one operates. The wine grower and the oenologist can not be two separate hermetic figures. They should be complementary and part of the territory in which they work and understand the territory’s vine and vineyards. It is therefore important to dedicate sufficient time to understanding why in a certain environment a certain type of wine has been produced rather than another or why a certain type of vine has been cultivated as opposed to another. Our work is motivated by a strong passion that has been passed-on from father to son and a sharing of the values that we believe in. There is a need to seriously reflect on the fact that today’s choices will have impacts in the future. Who plants a vineyard has to make a definitive decision since he will probably leave the vines and the vine yards as his children’s inheritance. This means that his choices can not depend on commercial fads or by superficial considerations made by the wine estate’s passing expert or technician. His efforts, the wine estate that he will establish, the grapevines that he will plant will need to have continuity in the future generation, which is the generation that will be able to fully enjoy the fruits of today’s toil. Our intervention in the cellar simply involve respecting what was produced by nature. What distinguishes wine from other agricultural products of the land is its cultural ties with the territory in which it is produced. That is why when a wine is a true cultural expression of the people that produce it, it does not depend on a single person but on a civilisation

Aktive Filter

  • Nerojbleo Gulfi 2019 lt.0,75

    15,90 €

    Il Nerojbleo Gulfi è un rosso caldo, solare dalle spiccate caratteristiche di tipicità. Prodotto con un antichissimo vitigno siciliano, il Nero d’Avola da sempre coltivato tra.

  • Valcanzjria Gulfi 2019 lt.0,75

    12,40 €

    Il Valcanzjria di Gulfi nasce dall'unione di un vitigno autoctono della Sicilia Orientale il Carricante, con diversi cloni di Chardonnay. Classico bianco da pesce, si accosta a.

  • Nerosanlorè Gulfi 2017 lt.0,75
    Nur noch wenige Teile verfügbar
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    Nerosanlorè Gulfi 2017 lt.0,75

    36,60 € -10% Off 32,94 €

    Nerosanlorè Gulfi è un vino di particolare complessità e raffinatezza. La trama affusolata e suadente corrisponde perfettamente ad un naso sfaccettato e cangiante,.

  • Reseca Gulfi Etna Rosso Doc...
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    • Nicht auf Lager

    Reseca Gulfi Etna Rosso Doc 2016 lt.0,75

    24,90 €

    Il Reseca Gulfi è un classico rosso dell’Etna. Il particolare terreno vulcanico ed il clima etneo, di alta collina, con elevate escursioni termiche tra il giorno e la notte,.

  • Cerasuolo di Vittoria Gulfi...
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    Cerasuolo di Vittoria Gulfi D.O.C.G. 2020 Rosso

    14,00 €

    Il Cerasuolo di Vittoria Gulfi è un rosso di forte ed antica tradizione, che gioca la sua identità sul connubio fra la forza del Nero d’Avola e la gentilezza del Frappato,.

  • Pino’ Gulfi
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    • Nicht auf Lager

    Pino’ Gulfi 2014 lt.0,75

    89,90 €

    Pinò’ Gulfi , Pinot Nero 100%. Si tratta di una selezione massale di due tipi di Pinot Nero di Borgogna. rosso rubino scarico, fresco, con sentori di piccola frutta rossa,.

  • Carjcanti Gulfi 2016 lt.0,75
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    • Nicht auf Lager

    Carjcanti Gulfi 2016 lt.0,75

    18,50 €

    Il Carjcanti di Gulfi è un Carricante quasi in purezza, in cui confluisce un piccolo saldo di Albanello, vitigno storicamente presente nelle vigne della zona di produzione,.

  • Rossojbleo Gulfi 2010 lt.0,75
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    • Nicht auf Lager

    Rossojbleo Gulfi 2010 lt.0,75

    10,40 €

    Il Rossojbleo di Gulfi è un rosso giovane, di lieve struttura, che intende proporre un’interpretazione particolarmente approcciabile del Nero d’Avola della Sicilia sud.

  • Nerobufaleffj Gulfi 2017...
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    • Nicht auf Lager

    Nerobufaleffj Gulfi 2017 lt.0,75

    36,60 €

    Il Nerobufaleffj Gulfi è un cru di Nero d’Avola dalle caratteristiche uniche, quelle di una parcella storica del territorio di Pachino, capace di esprimere grandi vini rossi,.

  • Neromaccarj Gulfi 2017 lt.0,75
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    • Nicht auf Lager

    Neromaccarj Gulfi 2017 lt.0,75

    27,50 €

    Il Neromaccarj è un cru di Nero d’Avola dal carattere particolarmente deciso possente e ricco. Denso e potente, merita la carne, il pollame nobile, quei piatti in cui l’acidità.