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Chiaramonte Rosso Firriato 2021 lt.0,75
Il Chiaramonte Rosso Firriato nasce dal vitigno autoctono siciliano per antonomasia risplende di nuova luce in questo vino che manifesta tutta l’autentica pienezza del suo frutto. Il Chiaramonte Rosso è un’espressione diversa di Nero d’Avola che richiama con personalità tutta la componente aromatica della più importante varietà a bacca rossa dell’isola.
Chiaramonte Nero d'Avola is the personification of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Sicily's most important native grape variety - from its intense purple colour to its unmistakable character. Made from 100 % Nero d'Avola, the nose is a rush of black fruits and spices - the palate is extraordinary round and complete, with a completely natural and effortless balance of tannin and acidity, structure and lenght
Classification IGT Sicilia
Grape varieties 100% Nero D'Avola
Vineyards location Territory of Trapani - Guarini Estate 250-400 mt. a.s.l.
Soil composition Medium mixture with a clayey tendency
Training system Cordon trained, spur pruned / Guyot
Nr. Vines per hectare n° 5.000 / 5.500
Yields per hectare 7.800 kg
Harvest Hand-picking - III decade of September / I decade of October
Fermentation temperature 26°- 28°C
Production system Traditional vinification in refrigerated fermenters; partial maturation in barriques for 7 months
Period of fermentation 12 days
Maturation 6 months in barriques
Alcohol 14% by vol.
Tasting notes Red fruits and spices bouquet; round and complete palate with a right balance of tannins and acidity
Production 550.000 bottles
Glass Tulip-shaped goblets of medium size and height
Serving temperature 16 - 18° C.
Pairing Ideal accompaniment to roast, grilled meat, game and flavoured medium-aged cheese
Format 750 ml
Sicilian wines Firriato Chiaramonte Rosso